Modern Slavery Statement

JG Mortgage Services Ltd is firmly committed to the principles of ethical business conduct and recognises the importance of combatting slavery and human trafficking. Our Modern Slavery Statement reflects our resolve to act with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings and relationships.

This statement is in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines our efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business operations and supply chain.


Organisational Structure and Supply Chains

JG Mortgage Services Ltd is a provider of mortgage and financial advisory services, operating primarily within the United Kingdom. Our business involves engaging with various stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, and partners, to deliver our services.

We are aware that every business sector faces potential risks related to modern slavery; therefore, we take proactive steps to assess and mitigate these risks within our supply chains and business activities.


Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

Our commitment to ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking is underpinned by our policies on ethical conduct and compliance.

These policies articulate our zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery or human trafficking. We are dedicated to conducting our business in a lawful and ethical manner, respecting the rights of individuals and making a positive contribution to society.


Due Diligence Processes

To identify and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and business, we have implemented due diligence processes.

These processes involve conducting risk assessments to understand the potential risks in our supply chains, monitoring our suppliers, and ensuring compliance with our ethical standards. We also require our suppliers to adhere to our values, including human rights and anti-slavery principles.


Risk Assessment and Management

Recognising the importance of constant vigilance to identify and manage risks associated with modern slavery, JG Mortgage Services Ltd undertakes regular risk assessments. This enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of our efforts to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chains. We prioritise actions to address any identified risks and continuously monitor our practices for improvement.


Training and Awareness

We believe that raising awareness and training our staff on the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking is crucial. To this end, we provide training to our employees to help them identify and respond to potential risks of modern slavery in our business operations and supply chains. Our aim is to ensure that our workforce is knowledgeable and vigilant against such practices.


Measuring Effectiveness

To measure the effectiveness of our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, we monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to our due diligence processes, risk assessments, and training programs. This approach helps us to assess the impact of our actions and to make informed decisions on where further improvements can be made.


Commitment to Improvement

JG Mortgage Services Ltd is committed to continually improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. We will regularly review and update our policies and procedures to reflect our ongoing commitment to ethical business practices and compliance with legal obligations.



This statement signifies JG Mortgage Services Ltd’s commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operations and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from such practices. We understand that combatting modern slavery requires ongoing effort and vigilance, and we are committed to upholding our responsibilities in this regard.

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed and updated annually, reflecting our continuous commitment to ethical business practices and the fight against modern slavery.

Ready to get started?

With JG Mortgage Services Limited as your local mortgage broker, you can rest assured that your unique needs are in our trusted and capable hands.